Sunday, February 7, 2010


Six winters in DC had us thinking it didn't (really) snow in the District. Our seventh has convinced us otherwise. Put Ye Stewart Clan on the record as LOVING every minute of it.

Tennyson dug a snow cave and pretended to be a snow monster.

Jeremy hiked through the blizzard the first night to see all the sights in the still-falling snow.

No hill? No Sled? No problem! (Nothing a shovel and decent set of stairs can't fix.)

Suzy dusted off the snowshoes and blazed new trails through Capitol Hill.

No Mercedes was spared.

As the inches turned into feet, it seemed like the snow might never stop.

But, after 2+ feet of snow, the clouds parted and the digging out began.

As did the snow angels.

Update: We just got this email from a Capitol Hill Yahoo! group to which we belong. East Coasters provide endless entertainment every time it snows.

"My husband heard on the radio that the birds and squirrels are starving because they can't get to any food. If you have any birdseed, bread and nuts, please toss onto cleared area for them."


Hillary said...

Suzy, you're the coolest pregnant person I know. And just coolest person in general.

Anne said...

That picture of the Capitol is gorgeous! Can I buy a copy off you? It needs to be hung on my very bare walls.

The Kaspers of Logan said...

Pretty pictures! Looks like a beautiful place. I love the picture of Tennyson as a snow monster..cute! We need to try sledding down our stairs too! I hope you put out some bird seed... I did!