Merry Christmas family and friends! We hope you had a nice holiday. We had our first white Christmas in DC, and it was wonderful.

DC is beautiful in the snow.

But boy was it cold. (No, that's not me; it's Neptune, chilling at the Library of Congress.)

Tennyson didn't mind. He loved trudging through the snow (it was almost as deep as he is tall).

One of his favorite snow activities was burying his mom in the back yard.

(My little snow angel took it in good stride.)

All told, it was a wonderful, relaxing Christmas.

Oh, and thanks to everyone who sent presents. Tennyson should have enough new gadgets to keep him busy for a while. And that's the best present you could have given us!

You didn't have to dream of a White Christmas, that's for sure. We're glad you had a great weekend.
that is awesome you guys! i think someone said it's been about 30 years since they've had a white christmas in memphis. all those pictures look magical. sue is so so pretty. it looks like it was a happy christmas - don't you love little families of 3? and 1/2?
Suzy, you get the Mother of the Year award for letting your small child bury you in the snow. I'm sure that felt nothing like the warmth of the sun rays reflecting of the SG red hill.
I love snow pictures, they are the best. Looks like you guys had a great holiday. I also like your tribute to Aunt Bob. She sure was missed this holiday season!
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