First things first: we cut Tennyson's hair. It (and he) was simply too hot with 13 months worth of curls. "Arabug" (as T calls his girlfriend next door) still likes him, and you should too. Come on, it's just hair. It'll be back soon.

We started our Independence Day celebrations by spending a day at Broad Creek Scout Camp (Northern MD) to hang out with two of our favorite young men: James & Jamal. Tennyson looks up to these guys as if they were older brothers, and he can't wait to be old enough to go to Scout Camp.

James and Jamal negotiate the last cookie at lunch.

Jamal strikes a pose.

James prepares for his own little 4th of July celebration.

Meanwhile, Suzanne napped in the shade.

And Tennyson taught Jordan how to play catch.

Tennyson especially loved the frog that Jamal caught for him.

Suzanne especially loved the fist-sized spider she caught Tennyson admiring.

Back in DC, we enjoyed a little block-party barbeque with the neighbors. Arabug loved the popsicles (maybe next year she'll see how tasty the other end can be).

Tennyson preferred the cupcakes (every last one of the cupcakes, that is).

We capped off the evening with a family bike ride down to the Mall to watch the DC fireworks show, and then around Capitol Hill for all of the smaller community firework shows. And then we listened to and watched fireworks from our house for another 3 hours. DC is a great place to be on the 4th.

(I did not take this picture. I was too busy being pounded in the head by an elated 2-year-old to be snapping photos. Nevertheless, this is what it looked like.)
And the most important news of the week: Tennyson correctly used the subjunctive tense in a complete sentence on Friday. His nerdy parents could not be more proud.